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acrylic on canvas


feb, 2021


Is there a more brutal conflict in the world than the one that is fought in the core of our consciousness? We try, in vain, to ignore the duality of the self, this warlike division that questions even existence itself, and we hope that doubts will dissipate in the torrent of time. However, time, mercilessly, builds the dam where our uncertainties accumulate, that subjective half that we try to ignore, but that, without a doubt, we will end up facing.

Through research, I wanted to raise this question about how we carry this duality, two opposite realities in our behavior. How we can be bad guys and good guys, good and bad, body and soul, spirit and matter, and that one and the other are in eternal conflict. Philosophizing Plato, he believes in the existence of an ideal world, which contains eternal ideas, and a sensitive world, where things are in constant transformation. In the philosophy of the pre-Socratics, dualism appears in the form of appearance and reality.

This subjective self, stagnant in the dam by the bonds of common sense and prejudice, contains within itself the cradle of creative expression that the objective self insists on suppressing, in order to, alternatively, follow a path that is not destined for it. We imprison genuine expression in the confines of a superficial reality sprinkled with dissatisfaction in which we wander in search of the ultimate meaning of our existence, yet feeling the urgency of the unknown to be fulfilled, of the lost future to be achieved.

Contentment, however. Creativity is, in all forms, a fierce animal, a daydream that traverses centuries and people without knowing age or color, which inevitably breaks free, suppressing the suffocating daily life, to then give way to the splendor of the liberation of the creative impetus. And it is in this moment of full liberation, without prejudice or common sense, that the most beautiful forms of expression emerge, in which feelings that words cannot understand are finally transmitted, in which duality ceases and we reconcile ourselves into one.

Bringing to screens, roles, and wherever this is produced, the idea that we carry this duality with us. that the same person can present two sides, two faces, the dark side and the light side, and according to our history we choose to nurture the ideal side in the face of the adversities that life presents us with. But yes, we have two opposing forces that sustain us who we are.

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